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Education [I will Insert Cuttington University picture here]

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that education is a fundamental human right for everyone and this right was further detailed in the Convention against Discrimination in Education.

The right to education is a human right and indispensable for the exercise of other human rights. Quality education aims to ensure the development of a fully-rounded human being it is one of the most powerful tools in lifting socially excluded children and adults out of poverty and into society.

UNESCO data shows that if all adults completed secondary education, globally the number of poor people could be reduced by more than half, It narrows the gender gap for girls and women. A UN study showed that each year of schooling reduces the probability of infant mortality by 5 to 10 per cent. For this human right to work

there must be equality of opportunity, universal access, and enforceable and monitored quality standards.

The right to education entails primary education that is free, compulsory and universal secondary education, including technical and vocational, that is generally available, accessible to all and progressively free, higher education, accessible to all based on individual capacity and progressively free. Fundamental education for individuals who have not completed education professional training opportunities equal quality of education through minimum standards, quality teaching and supplies for teachers’ adequate fellowship system and material condition for teaching staff freedom of choice

The quest for quality education in Bong County cannot be underestimated, due to the hard economic situation in the county, the number of school going children are below the average, and Bon-pro wants to change that by supporting people to exercise their right to quality Primary, Secondary and tertiary education, – particularly women and children. Bong county has 479 Primary and secondary schools, 243 public schools, 95 private school, 109 faith-based institution and 32 community schools. At the tetchily level, the county has one university, 4 colleges.

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